
Version 1 (modified by trac, 8 years ago) (diff)


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GCN ISA VOP2/VOP3 instructions

VOP2 instructions can be encoded in the VOP2 encoding and the VOP3a/VOP3b encoding. List of fields for VOP2 encoding:

Bits Name Description
0-8 SRC0 First (scalar or vector) source operand
9-16 VSRC1 Second vector source operand
17-24 VDST Destination vector operand
25-30 OPCODE Operation code
31 ENCODING Encoding type. Must be 0


List of fields for VOP3A/VOP3B encoding (GCN 1.0/1.1):

Bits Name Description
0-7 VDST Vector destination operand
8-10 ABS Absolute modifiers for source operands (VOP3A)
8-14 SDST Scalar destination operand (VOP3B)
11 CLAMP CLAMP modifier (VOP3A)
15 CLAMP CLAMP modifier (VOP3B)
17-25 OPCODE Operation code
26-31 ENCODING Encoding type. Must be 0b110100
32-40 SRC0 First (scalar or vector) source operand
41-49 SRC1 Second (scalar or vector) source operand
50-58 SRC2 Third (scalar or vector) source operand
59-60 OMOD OMOD modifier. Multiplication modifier
61-63 NEG Negation modifier for source operands

List of fields for VOP3A encoding (GCN 1.2):

Bits Name Description
0-7 VDST Destination vector operand
8-10 ABS Absolute modifiers for source operands (VOP3A)
8-14 SDST Scalar destination operand (VOP3B)
15 CLAMP CLAMP modifier
16-25 OPCODE Operation code
26-31 ENCODING Encoding type. Must be 0b110100
32-40 SRC0 First (scalar or vector) source operand
41-49 SRC1 Second (scalar or vector) source operand
50-58 SRC2 Third (scalar or vector) source operand
59-60 OMOD OMOD modifier. Multiplication modifier
61-63 NEG Negation modifier for source operands



  • CLAMP - clamps destination floating point value in range 0.0-1.0
  • MUL:2, MUL:4, DIV:2 - OMOD modifiers. Multiply destination floating point value by 2.0, 4.0 or 0.5 respectively
  • -SRC - negate floating point value from source operand
  • ABS(SRC) - apply absolute value to source operand

Negation and absolute value can be combined: -ABS(V0). Modifiers CLAMP and OMOD (MUL:2, MUL:4 and DIV:2) can be given in random order.

VOP2 opcodes (0-63) are reflected in VOP3 in range: 256-319. List of the instructions by opcode:

Opcode Mnemonic (GCN1.0/1.1) Mnemonic (GCN 1.2)
1 (0x1) -- V_ADD_F32
2 (0x2) -- V_SUB_F32
3 (0x3) V_ADD_F32 V_SUBREV_F32
4 (0x4) V_SUB_F32 V_MUL_LEGACY_F32
5 (0x5) V_SUBREV_F32 V_MUL_F32
6 (0x6) V_MAC_LEGACY_F32 V_MUL_I32_I24
7 (0x7) V_MUL_LEGACY_F32 V_MUL_HI_I32_I24
8 (0x8) V_MUL_F32 V_MUL_U32_U24
9 (0x9) V_MUL_I32_I24 V_MUL_HI_U32_U24
10 (0xa) V_MUL_HI_I32_I24 V_MIN_F32
11 (0xb) V_MUL_U32_U24 V_MAX_F32
12 (0xc) V_MUL_HI_U32_U24 V_MIN_I32
13 (0xd) V_MIN_LEGACY_F32 V_MAX_I32
14 (0xe) V_MAX_LEGACY_F32 V_MIN_U32
15 (0xf) V_MIN_F32 V_MAX_U32

Instruction set

Alphabetically sorted instruction list: