
Version 3 (modified by trac, 8 years ago) (diff)


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GCN Memory instructions features and functionality

Buffer resource format

Bits Name Description
0-47 BASE Base address
48-61 STRIDE Stride in bytes. Size of records
62 Cache swizzle Buffer access. Optionally, swizzle texture cache TC L1 cache banks
63 Swizzle enable If set, enable swizzle addressing mode
64-95 NUMRECORDS Number of records (size of the buffer)
96-98 DST_SEL_X Select destination component for X
99-101 DST_SEL_Y Select destination component for Y
102-104 DST_SEL_Z Select destination component for Z
105-107 DST_SEL_W Select destination component for W
108-110 NUMFORMAT Number format
111-114 DATAFORMAT Data format
115-116 ELEMSIZE Element size (used only by swizzle mode)
117-118 INDEXSTRIDE Index stride (used only by swizzle mode)
119 TID_ENABLE Add thread id to index
121 Hash enable Enable address hashing
122 HEAP Buffer is heap
126-127 TYPE Resource type. 0 - for buffer

MUBUF/MTBUF format conversion

The instruction or the buffer resource can supply data format in which stored (or will be stored) data. The data format determines format of the pixel (number of components, size of components), the number format determines format of the component.

Below is table with available data formats:

Code Name Description
0 -- Invalid
1 8 Single 8-bit component
2 16 Single 16-bit component
3 8_8 Two 8-bit components
4 32 Single 32-bit component
5 16_16 Two 16-bit component
6 10_11_11 Two 11-bit and one 10-bit components from lowest bit
7 11_11_10 One 10-bit and two 11-bit components from lowest bit
8 2_10_10_10 One 2-bit and three 10-bit components from lowest bit
9 10_10_10_2 Three 10-bit and one 2-bit components from lowest bit
10 8_8_8_8 Four 8-bit components
11 32_32 Two 32-bit components
12 16_16_16_16 Four 16-bit components
13 32_32_32 Three 32-bit components
14 32_32_32_32 Four 32-bit components
15 -- Reserved

The buffer data format name can be preceded by 'BUF_DATA_FORMAT_' as 'BUF_DATA_FORMAT_8_8'. A data format name is case-insensitive.

The data format 10_11_11 and 11_11_10 seemingly doesn't work correctly on the GCN 1.0 (???)

Below is table with available number formats. The 'BufR' column indicates whether a number format is applicable to read operation, the 'BufW' column indicates whether a number format is applicable to write operation. The 'Reg type' indicates type of vector register (input for writing, output for reading).

Code Name BufR BufW Reg type Description
0 UNORM FLOAT Unsigned normalized value (0:1)
1 SNORM FLOAT Signed normalized value (-1:1) (data: MIN+1:MAX)
2 USCALED FLOAT Unsigned scaled value
3 SSCALED FLOAT Signed scaled value
4 UINT UINT32 Unsigned integer value
5 SINT INT32 Signed integer value
6 SNORM_OGL FLOAT Signed normalized value (-1:1) (data: MIN:MAX)
7 FLOAT FLOAT Single floating point value

The buffer number format name can be preceded by 'BUF_NUM_FORMAT_' as 'BUF_NUM_FORMAT_UNORM'. A number format name is case-insensitive. The FLOAT number float is applicable to 32, 32_32, 32_32_32 or 32_32_32_32 data format. The conversion from integer to floating point value while writing to buffer is doing with rounding to nearest even.

The fields DST_SEL_X, DST_SEL_Y, DST_SEL_Z and DST_SEL_W choose how the source component will be stored into the destination component. DST_SEL_X choose for the first component, DST_SEL_Y for second, DST_SEL_Z for third, DST_SEL_W for fourth. Following values are permitted:

Code Name Description
0 0 Zero value
1 1 One value
4 R First source component
5 G Second source component
6 B Third source component
7 A Fourth source component

The rules for data conversion for particular instruction types:

Instruction Data format Num format DST_SEL_*
TBUFFER_LOAD_FORMAT_* instruction instruction identity
TBUFFER_STORE_FORMAT_* instruction instruction identity
BUFFER_LOAD_ derived derived identity
BUFFER_STORE_ derived derived identity
BUFFER_LOAD_FORMAT_* resource resource resource
BUFFER_STORE_FORMAT_* resource resource resource
BUFFER_ATOMIC_* derived derived identity
  • instruction - thing determined from instruction's fields instead of the buffer resource
  • derived - data format derived from opcode and ignores resource definition
  • identity - choose this same source component for destination component
  • resource - thing determined from buffer resource

Buffer addressing

The address depends on couple factors which are from instruction and the buffer resource. The buffer is organized in simple structure that contains records. Buffer address starts from the base offset given in buffer resource. The index indicates number of the record, and the offset indicates position in record. Expression that describes address:


Optionally, buffer can be addressed in the swizzle mode that is very effective manner to addressing the scratch buffers that holds spilled registers. Expression that describes swizzle mode addressing:


The expression to calculate element size (ELEMSIZE) from ELEMSIZE field of a buffer resource is: 2<<ELEMSIZE. The expression to calculate index stride (INDEXSTRIDE) from INDEXSTRIDE field of buffer resource is: 8<<INDEXSTRIDE.

The 64-bit addressing can be enabled by set ADDR64 flag in instruction. In this case, two VADDR registers contains an address. Expression to calculate address in this case:


No range checking for 64-bit mode addressing.

The base address are calculated as sum of BASE and SGPR offset. The instruction format supply OFFEN and IDXEN that includes index from VPGR registers. These flags are permitted only if 64-bit addressing is not enabled. Table describes combination of these flags:

IDXEN OFFEN Indexreg Offset reg
0 0 N/A N/A
1 0 VGPR[V] N/A
0 1 N/A VGPR[V]
1 1 VGPR[V] VGPR[V+1]

Expressions that describes offsets and indices:


The hardware checks range for buffer resources with STRIDE=0 in following way: if BUFOFFSET >= NUMRECORDS-SGPR_OFFSET then an address is out of range. For STRIDE!=0 if AINDEX >= NUMRECORDS or OFFSET >= STRIDE when IDXEN or TID_ENABLE is set, then an address is out of range. Reads are zero and writes are ignored for an addresses out of range.

For 32-bit and wider operations, an address are aligned to 4 bytes. For 16-bit operations, an address are aligned to 2 bytes.

The coalescing works for STRIDE==0 on offset (hardware looks at offset), otherwise it works if stride<=1 or swizzle mode enabled and all offsets are equal and ELEMSIZE have same value as size of element that can be operated by instruction. Then hardware coalesce across any set of contiguous indices for raw buffers. For swizzled buffers, it cannot coalesce across INDEXSTRIDE boundaries.

Reading data to LDS directly is working for BUFFER_LOAD_UBYTE, BUFFER_LOAD_SBYTE, BUFFER_LOAD_SSHORT, BUFFER_LOAD_USHORT, BUFFER_LOAD_DWORD and BUFFER_LOAD_FORMAT_X instructions. If element size is smaller than 4-byte, then stored 4-byte value will be zero-extended. Mixing TFE and LDS flags together is illegal. LDS address are calculated from that expression:

LDS_ADDR = LDS_BASE + (M0&0xffff) + LANEID*4

  • LDS_BASE - base address of LDS for wave.
  • M0 - M0 register value

Image addressing